5 Factors that Can Impact Your College-Bound Student’s Success
Talent and hard work are important, but here are 5 more key influences on a student’s path to college.
A teachers’ race can affect how well they support and encourage students of color.
Meaningful extracurricular and leadership activities are crucial for college-bound kids.
Students who self-identify as high achievers and scholars tend to be more successful.
A support network of similar students helps high-achieving students of color cope with the unique stressors they face.
Actively involved parents can advocate and help smooth the way for their students.
Cinnamongirl is passionate about supporting girls of color in all of these areas and more. If you know a girl of color who could benefit from Cinnamongirl, send them our way!
Resources for Parents of College-Bound Students of Color:
Bright, Talented, & Black: A Guide for Families of African American Gifted Learners by Joy Lawson Davis.
The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Childrenby Ronald Ferguson and Tatsha Robertson
How to Tell Whether a College Supports Students of Color by Ciera Graham, Ph D