Michelle Baptiste

Michelle Baptiste, an applied linguist, has been teaching writing at UC Berkeley College Writing Programs for the past 20 years. She specializes in teaching culturally, racially, linguistically diverse classes of developing writers. Her passion is supporting students to cultivate their own unique voices as writers. She enjoys supporting students as they revise, design, and publish multimodal pieces online and encourages students to conduct interviews as part of their research process. In her own research to earn her MA in English as a Second Language, she observed 64 US naturalization interviews and continues to be engaged in examining citizenship historically and today. She has taught writing to multilingual students at the University of Hawai'i, as well as to Navajo (Dine) teachers on the Navajo Nation through Northern Arizona University. She served as a US Peace Corps volunteer for two years in St. Lucia (West Indies) and also taught English at a summer camp at an American School in Japan. Currently, as a teacher consultant with Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP), she collaborates with educators from Kindergarten through college and herself has two daughters in high school. She got to travel with her family to Denmark this past summer and stay with the same homestay family she had lived with in college when she studied abroad--and is excited to go back to the Eastern Caribbean this summer to visit her husband's family in Trinidad & Tobago. She loves traveling, rollerblading, photography, and teaching.