Erica “EVarize” Varize
Erica Varize is a champion of all things girls; domestically and globally she is strengthening the bond between two worlds of girls who long to use their education for self sustainability. Erica advocates and encourages the greatness that lies within any young girl that she meets.
Since 2001, Erica has owned and operated EVarize apparel, and in 2005 she founded the award-winning Sew What Sewing camp in the Bay Area. In 2017, Erica became the Executive Director of Bay Ganda foundation, which teaches the art of sewing to Ugandan girls. Since then she has been instrumental in providing each of our Ugandan students with sponsor families. She is raising awareness in the urban communities about the importance of passion discovery within young girls and has established the business ambassador program within the BayGanda foundation. Erica understands the importance of arts and education here at home and abroad in Uganda.
Previously Erica worked with Attitudinal Healing Connection teaching the art of sewing in 9 Oakland Unified schools developing curriculum for sewing and mentorship.